- It has historic associations with Oscar Wilde who was a member of the Albemarle club, where an insult he received led to his suing and imprisonment.
- It is widely known for its art galleries.
- It was the 1st one way street in London for the purpose of better traffic flow.
- Number 25 is now a private members club.
JE Putney and Sons were awarded the contract to carry out the internal lime plastering works to the new wine cellar. The architect and designer were very particular in their vision for the finish. They wanted the finished walls to resemble that of stone rather than a smooth trowelled wall.
After submitting several samples of different finishes, it was agreed that the finish coat would be a coarse grade of lime plaster which is normally used for the base scratch coat. The only difference was that we did not add hair to the top coat. Once applied, the finish coat was floated and trowelled back so the grain on the sand became more prominent and the effect of stone was achieved. Ashlar lines were then added to the walls to increase the effect of stone blocks.